
Reignite Marriage Communication Kit

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Reignite Communication in Your Marriage

Communication is the lifeblood of a marriage. Most marital challenges are caused by misunderstandings between partners.

Many couples struggle to communicate clearly with each other. The “Reignite Marriage Communication Kit” was created to give you proven, practical tools to release hurts, be intentionally happy and to connect more deeply with God, yourself and your spouse.

The Kit Includes:

  •  5 Proven Secrets to Reignite Communication in Your Marriage
  • 10 Biblical Keys to Amazing Marriage Communication
  • Letters to My Husband Journal
  • Letters to My Wife Journal
  • Scriptural Affirmations for My Marriage

Other Wives Have Said:

“the more I submit to the way God wants wives to live the more peace I find myself in. I have unexplainable joy during the days, I am less critical of myself and my kids and I am finding time more and more to just be a wife and a mom” K. M.

“This program has helped me to love myself to see beyond my hunts and pain and to trust God in every situation. It has changed my way of thinking. Put God first.” J. B

“The biggest thing for me, was seeing what I need to release in my life that isn’t serving me or bringing me joy. You gave us a valuable tool to self reflect and that has been so helpful already! God bless you.” E. V.

“Going through these sessions have encouraged me to dig deep into myself. I repented on pages and pages full of red ink. Jesus has done an incredibly deep work in my heart and I have been delivered from generational habits of aggressive behaviour and ugly pride.” E. H.

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